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The Effects of Uniforms on Teachers' Performance and Satisfaction: Should Teacher Wear Uniform or Ha


We know that school uniforms are good. But, should we have teachers wearing them too? People have different answers to this question. Some people will argue that teachers should wear uniforms. Other people will oppose the idea. What is your opinion regarding this question?

If students believe a teacher is properly dressed, there will be a proper relationship. Such a teacher will also serve as a role model. This is because the ability to serve as a role model is determined by outlooks. It is for this reason that teachers should have a dress code.

should teacher wear uniform essay

School uniforms are good for students. They create uniformity that promotes learning. But teachers should not have to wear uniforms. Instead, teachers should have a dress code. The dress code should ensure that teachers dress professionally. This will help improve the standards of the teaching profession. It will also ensure that students, parents, and society respect teachers.

For as long as the school system has existed, so has the rule of all attending students having to wear a standardised uniform. This is a common sight across the world from the ages of five to late teens, and though it is certainly a school tradition that seems to have largely stood the test of time, there has always been different varieties of opposition to the rule, primarily from students themselves and the parents of students who are also against the uniform nature of the rule. However, something that is much less talked about and discussed in an official capacity is the notion that teachers too should wear a uniform during the school week. This begs the question, should those in charge lead by example and wear a uniform to work, just as they are asking their students to do?

Many of the arguments for instituting a school uniform often revolved around the fact that school officials believe it will create a level playing field for all students, making them the same, regardless of class status and wealth. Whilst this seems like a sensible and common sense option in theory, the truth is that young people will always find ways to differentiate themselves from others, whether it be through hair accessories, quality of shoes or simply in the cleanliness of the uniform that they are wearing. Students might be dressed in the same clothes, but that does not necessarily make them automatically identical.

When it comes to the idea that teachers should also be required to wear a uniform of sorts whilst at school, some would argue that in their smart casual, friendly yet professional choices of shirts, ties and trousers (in most cases), they have already decided to don a specific outfit for their job. However, the difference here is that teachers have a degree of freedom in their clothing choices, whilst students are limited only to the garments that have been deemed acceptable and required by a board higher up in the chain.

Students in Kenya, for instance, got uniforms together with their teachers. Test scores increased significantly together with attendance, which increased by 7%. Furthermore, the unified administrative district in an urban center, CA, one in every of the primary public school districts within the U.S. to adopt a standardized policy in 1994, saw an 86% decrease within the overall misdemeanor rate at the varsity and a 90% decrease in suspensions only 4 years after adopting the policy.

There may be a stronger sense of unity since teachers will wear uniforms. Students might find it a touch unfair for teachers to wear whatever they need and that they, themselves not having the ability to try to do so.

Many students, in general, are already very disrespectful. However, with the inclusion of uniforms, Students can be disrespectful to their teachers as they might subconsciously accept that teachers are adequate to them. Teachers are professionals and that we should treat them intrinsically.

Some schools have a policy stating that students must wear uniforms to class. Normally associated with private schools, uniforms have become more common in public schools, too. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, uniforms are required at about 22% of U.S. public schools.

Many schools say uniforms make it easier for students to focus in class, and that uniforms promote inclusion. But some students think uniforms are uncomfortable, and that kids should have the freedom to express their personality through their clothing.

You have the right to express your gender, and it is unlawful for your peers or teachers to harass or treat you differently because of your gender. No matter what sex you were assigned at birth, you have the right to cut your hair and wear your clothes in a way that matches your gender identity. If you have to wear a drape or tuxedo for your senior portrait, you have the right to wear whichever matches your gender identity. You have the right to be called by the gender pronouns that you specify. You also have the right to play on the sports team that matches your gender identity. You have the right to use the restroom and locker room that match your gender identity.

Research on school uniforms is minimal, especially research on students' opinions about uniforms, and the use of student uniforms is a growing conversation across the country. Two researchers from the University of Nevada, Reno College of Education studied opinions of students in three middle schools in the Washoe County School District in northern Nevada during the first-year implementation of a uniform policy at the schools. Although 90 percent of the students indicated they did not like wearing uniforms, various benefits to wearing uniforms were reported, including decreases in discipline, gang involvement and bullying; and increases in safety, ease of going to school, confidence and self-esteem.

They also examined data on discipline referrals and school police reports before and after the uniform policy was put in place at one of the schools. Females perceived or experienced more benefits than males. Based on grade level, more seventh-graders than eighth-graders reported agreement with statements about the benefits of wearing school uniforms. Results also revealed that Latino students perceived more benefits from uniforms than Caucasian students perceived.

Students' top-rated statements with responses of "Agree" and "Strongly Agree" were: I still have my identity when I wear a uniform (54 percent); My family likes that I wear a uniform to school (53 percent); I think uniforms save money on clothes (50 percent); I worry less about how others look (42 percent); and, There is less gang activity at school (41 percent).

Since it was published in April 2013, this story highlighting school-uniform research completed by University of Nevada, Reno College of Education faculty has received more than 60,000 unique page views on Nevada Today, the University's online news site. The story currently ranks number one on Google, Yahoo and Bing for the search term "school uniform study," resulting in a large number of regular inquiries to one of the study's researchers, Jafeth Sanchez, assistant professor of educational leadership. Below is a list of the most frequently asked questions Sanchez receives around the topic of school uniforms. People interested in accessing more data are also invited to review the complete study, "Uniforms in the Middle School: Student opinions, Discipline Data and School Police Data," which is published in the Journal of School Violence. School Uniform Study FAQ What influenced you to write the paper? Uniform requirements often elicit strong reactions from parents, students, educators and scholars on both sides of the issue. Yet, research on current school uniform efforts is minimal, especially when considering students' opinions. The purpose of this study was to give students a voice and to find out if students actually benefit from school uniforms, as originally intended by the school's leadership team and others involved in the policy implementation process. What do students think about school uniforms? If you ask students if they like to wear a uniform, 99 percent of them will say no. If you have them reflect on specific, possible benefits, their answers tend to change. Considering all students' responses, there were many responses against wearing school uniforms, but a substantial number of students indicated benefits to wearing school uniforms. Are you for or against school uniforms? My personal opinion is that uniforms can be an effective tool for supporting a positive school climate and overall changes, but it will vary by school context. If uniforms are implemented, they need to be evaluated to identify the effectiveness of the policy. Uniforms are not a "silver bullet" solution to school improvement efforts. I believe it requires holistic change in many areas. Consequently, I am not for or against uniforms, but I am for assessing the policy implementation of uniforms. What is the correlation with academic grades? My data did not include academic ties, and the state testing framework was changed at the end of 2012, so the data cannot be linked. My data only collected student perceptions, so I can only address questions related to those findings. What are the benefits of school uniforms? The study found benefits between genders, grade levels and related to racial/ethnic groupings. The study was based on approximately 604 student responses out of 700 students at the school, with an 86 percent response rate. At the time, the school had approximately 64 percent of the students qualifying for free/reduced lunch. There were discipline effects examined. Exact numbers are included in the study, where I also note that 30 to 40 percent of the student population reported benefits, so it may be useful from a practical perspective. The year after initial data collection, two additional schools implemented uniforms, so I surveyed those schools' students, as well, totaling approximately 1,850 students. Findings were very similar to the original article's findings. Findings among the three schools were also almost identical. However, I have not formally published that data in a professional journal. From a practical perspective, if a simple change in attire can positively influence over 30 percent, or even 25 percent, of a school's student population, then perhaps administrators, teachers, students and community members interested in implementing a school uniform policy might believe it is worth the effort. It is essential to note that the school uniform implementation at the school studied was a collaborative and informative effort among school staff, district administrators and parents. The uniform initiative was not abruptly implemented. Do you think without more school uniforms there is more bullying? I can only speak to this based on my findings, rather than offer an opinion. In my research, students indicated that there was a reduction in the bullying that they specifically saw occur at their school. In their responses, it appeared that bullying decreased with uniforms. In addition, there were large reductions in school police reports, referrals, and other disciplinary aspects. Do school uniforms impose on a student's individual identity? There was a specific question in my study that asked students to respond in agreement or disagreement: "I still have my identity when I wear a uniform." The majority of students agreed and strongly agreed with this statement; consequently, most students reported that they still had their identity, which is a clear link to their freedom of expression. What have you seen result from schools mandating students wear uniforms? Three things: 1. After school uniform implementation, there was a reduction in discipline. 2. One-third of students reported benefits to wearing school uniforms. 3. Results revealed that Hispanic/Latino students believed they attained more benefits from uniforms than White/Caucasian students. In reference to gender, more than expected females than males indicated specific benefits with wearing school uniforms. What was the biggest improvement you have seen in students who wear uniforms? While most students surveyed did not like wearing uniforms, 30 percent of the students believed that wearing uniforms might reduce discipline issues and reported various benefits that may seem worthwhile in enhancing students' quality of their school experience. 2ff7e9595c

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